Recent Blog Entries

10/21/24: Did Trump Lose in 2020?
In response to a common 'gotcha' question, I provide answers. Our electoral system is built on faith. Here are a few reasons why the 2020 election has a permanent asterisk. Read more...

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09/21/24: Trump Will Win. Here's Why.
Despite his background as a billionaire celebrity, Donald Trump has mangaged to make himself real and relatable to regular Americans. Read more...

07/24/24: The Circular Firing Squad
It's a crazy time in politics and it's bound to get even crazier before November, but I wanted to take a few moments to reflect on what happened during my primary election this year. Read more...

07/01/24: The Emperor Has No Clothes
Regardless of what Democrats do in the aftermath of revealing that Joe Biden is not fit to run for, or be President, Republicans must stay the course. Read more...

04/13/24: What Happened???
Once upon a time, the names Doug Mastriano and Russ Diamond were nearly interchangeable in the public eye. But something changed in late 2020. Read more...

02/19/24: Sour Grapes
I knew the truth all along, but others have finally heard it straight from the horse's mouth. My opponent is running for office because of sour grapes, and sour grapes alone. It's not a winning formula, but it's all she's got. Read more...

01/25/24: ELCO Trans Agenda Update
My opponent hastily offered a rambling response to my previous post about her woke gender identity policy. Here, I appeal to her supporters to be more responsible and mature in their efforts to defend her. Read more...

01/22/24: My Opponent & the Trans Agenda
I was recently shocked to learn that my opponent in the upcoming Republican primary election was the chief architect and proponent of a policy enacted at ELCO that officially enables, sanctions, and promotes gender ideology in the school district. Read more...

11/12/23: The Consequences of Being Correct
As a candidate for Lieutenant Governor in 2022, I had a lot of fantastic conversations about the future for Pennsylvania's Republicans with my fellow State Committee members and colleagues in the General Assembly. I found that many Republicans were as concerned as I was about the prospect of Doug Mastriano becoming our nominee for Governor. Read more...

09/18/23: Open Primaries?
Pennsylvania's last five governors have publicly called for an end to the state's closed primary system to allow independent voters to vote in primaries. But it's more complicated than you think. Read more...

07/05/23: Democrats Throw Kids Under the Bus
The PA budget stalemate is a result of House Democrats stubbornly opposing a scholarship/school choice program for poor kids in failing schools. Read more...

06/11/23: A Conversation on Gun Control
I recently had an opportunity to present the Republican point of view on gun control to a visitor from Switzerland who had a great curiosity about American politics. Read more...

05/27/23: Shall Not Be Questioned
HB1018, the "red flag" bill which was recently approved by the House of Representatives, is an unconstitutional violation of individual rights in our Commonwealth. I explain why by using the actual text of the PA Constitution. Read more...

05/19/23: Journalistic Integrity? More like journalistic hackery.
Don't think that media bias and chicanery only happens nationally with items like the Hunter Biden story and Hillary Clnton's "Russian collusion." It's on display right here in Pennsylvanaia, sadly. Read more...

03/13/23: Passing the Trash in Harrisburg
It is now clear that House Democrats in Harrisburg knew all about disgraced serial sexual harasser Rep. Mike Zabel since 2019. Despite this, they stood with him through two reelection cycles in their quest for political gain at all costs. Read more...

03/05/23: Meet the New Queen (of Cover-Ups)
Last week in Harrisburg Democrat Rep. Joanna McClinton was elected Speaker of the House, following Rep. Mark Rozzi's resignation as Speaker after a short and disappointing 55-day stint.. Unfortunately, a dark cloud looms over her elevation to the Speakership. Read more...

02/27/23: A Bad Idea Made Worse
The House of Representatives met in special session to consider opening a "two-year window" setting aside legal norms to allow victims of childhood sexual abuse to revive civil claims. This proposal should be rejected by voters. Read more...

02/09/23: Republicans Need a 3-Point Game
Republicans can no longer sit on the sidelines and complain about the rules being changed. We must get in the game, and play by the rules in place. We need to do it, and we need to do it yesterday. Read more...

01/24/23: It Only Takes One...
Harrisburg is a numbers game. When government is divided, those numbers count even more than ever. When the House is narrowly divided as it is now, one member can bring everything to a grinding halt. Read more...

11/30/22: A Republican Reality Check
Now that the dust has settled from the 2022 election, I wanted to take a few moments to take a realistic look at what it all means. Read more...

09/07/22: Unbelievable
The Democrats are pulling out all the stops to ruin our way of life. As November's election approaches, I'm asking for your help to continue fighting against the plans of Joe Biden, Tom Wolf, Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman. Read more...

05/08/22: Don't Get Caught in Josh Shapiro's Trap
Democrat Josh Shapiro has laid a trap for Republican voters, and it very well could spell disaster for us in the fall. Read more...

04/02/22: Without Privacy, There Is No Freedom
Imagine getting sick and having your name put on a public list because of it. If one Senator had his way, that's exactly what would have happened if you came down with Covid-19. Read more...

02/02/22: About that Act 77 Court Ruling...
Commonwealth Court has ruled Act 77 and no-excuse voting to be unconstitutional. As we await the appeal by the Wolf Administration to the PA Supreme Court, Rep. Diamond shares his insights on the situation and on what he's prepared to do after it's all said and done. Read more...

12/03/21: Somebody Has to Stand Up
In these trying times, somebody has to stand up to tyranny. And somebody has to be the first to stand up. Will you stand with me as the 2022 election approaches? Read more...

09/16/21: How To Steal An Election
Follow along to find out why I support the Senate's recent issuance of subpoenae for voter records. To catch a crook, you need to think like a crook. Read more...

07/12/21: Audit the vote?
Audit the vote? Sure, why not - we might learn something new, and that's always worth the while. I'm all in for an independent audit. But in my opinion what we really need to do is audit the voters. Read more...

05/25/21: Thank you, Pennsylvania!
Despite the Wolf Administration's efforts to twist the meaning of two proposed constitutional amendments by authoring ballot questions which perverted the actual meaning of the amendments, a majority of voters saw through it and provided a clear victory for Liberty on May 18th! Read more...

04/28/21: Failure is Not an Option
You're probably already aware of two constitutional amendments on the May 18 ballot addressing a governor's emergency powers in Pennsylvania. Failure to approve these amendments is not an option, as the ramifications of failure are downright frightening. Read more...

03/02/21: Motor Voter Madness
Back in 1993 Congress passed, and Bill Clinton signed, the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), more commonly known as the "Motor Voter" law. Seems like a reasonable idea, because registering to vote shouldn't be difficult. But motor vehicle agencies were not the only state agencies covered under this law, and some of their statistics might give you pause. Read more...

02/20/21: Time to Veto Tom Wolf
We're fast approaching marking a full year into the "two weeks to flatten the curve" nonsense of Tom Wolf's data-free edicts, mandates, and lockdowns. All in all, this has been a year of utter hell for most Pennsylvanians. However, there is some hope. On May 18, you will have the opportunity to veto Tom Wolf and his unilateral emergency powers. Read more...

01/23/21: Is Act 77 Unconstitutional?
Many have been talking about Act 77, the statute which established no-excuse mail-in voting in Pennsylvania, and asking whether that statute is unconstitutional. Don't let a particular premise held by many regarding constitutionality, which is generally applicable to the US Constitution, confuse you when it comes to the Pennsylvania Constitution. Read more...

01/21/21: The Struggle Was Real
I wanted to take a few moments to review my actions regarding the 2020 General Election and share them with you. I know how frustrating the last few months have been for you. They were equally frustrating for me. I regret that my efforts were not fruitful in getting to the whole truth, but I pledge to you that I will continue to work at this on your behalf as hard as I have since last fall. Anyway, here's the inventory of my efforts. Read more...

01/09/21: What a Week
This has been quite the week. I think I know how you feel. Frustrated. Disappointed. Confused. Fed up. I feel all those things, and more. I have never worked harder than I did over the last two months since the election. My days and nights were absolutely consumed by figuring out ways to get to the truth and to figure out what I, as a state legislator, was capable of doing about it. Read more...

12/26/20: Cheating the Presidential Election
Back in school when we were taking tests, if you got caught cheating you were in big trouble. Your grade was a big fat ZERO. But what happens when a plot to cheat a presidential election is uncovered? What is the remedy? Read more...

10/29/20: Big Brother is Here
A technological trap is potentially being built. In totality, the puzzle of gizmos and surveillance policy currently being employed to fight COVID-19 represent a threat to our liberty. Don't scare yourself into becoming like the mindless minions 1984's Winston Smith was surrounded by. Read more...

10/20/20: Science? What Science?
A recent court case in Butler County confirmed that Tom Wolf's actions to shut down our economy and put hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians out of work violated our constitution rights. It also confirmed that Wolf, Levine & Co. used no science whatsoever to make those decisions. Read more...

10/07/20: Will Contact Tracing Cancel Your Vote?
As you may be aware, I am currently self-quarantining after being a "close contact" on September 29th of another member of the House of Representatives who later tested positive for COVID-19. Any Pennsylvanian who is contact traced and forced to self-quarantine for a 14-day period beginning October 20th or later will still be under quarantine on November 3rd. Don't get caught in the contact tracing trap!!! Read more...

08/31/20: It's Time to Put PA on the Right Track
There's a slight chill in the air and fall is just around the corner. I am in disbelief that both spring and summer are mostly behind us and were completely ruined by the ridiculous and data-free edicts of Tom Wolf and Rachel Levine. September brings a return to session in Harrisburg for the General Assembly, and I will be putting my efforts behind five pieces of legislation which are critical to protecting the rights of all Pennsylvanians. Read more...

07/31/20: Tom Wolf's Worst Nightmare
You may have heard that Tom Wolf and his sidekick Rachel Levine have launched a full frontal attack against me. This is not the first time Tom Wolf has come after me, but it's the first time he's used his bully pulpit to name me personally. Why? Because I'm his worst nightmare. Read more...

07/12/20: Cruel & Inhumane, Not Worth the Price
It's been over four months since Pennsylvania first launched a disaster emergency and mitigation efforts to fight the spread of COVID-19. While these efforts were launched in the spirit of protecting public health and safety, the long-term results will be anything but. Read more...

06/08/20: The New Normal Pennsylvania Really Needs
The last three months have been hell in Pennsylvania, to say the least. As our collective nightmare begins to end, the Wolf Administration has floated the term "new normal" into the conversation of what our Commonwealth will look like. I don't disagree that after this we need a new normal, but it isn't anything like what the Governor imagines. Read more...

06/01/20: Contact Tracing
I recently got caught up in an episode of COVID-19 contact tracing. Here's everything you need to know (and some things you probably won't like) about what happens when contact tracing comes to knock on your door. Read more...

05/23/20: Color My World
The Governor's color coded plan for re-opening Pennsylvania is an attempt to control Pennsylvanians and create an "new normal." But the path to true liberty only needs one color. Read more...

05/16/20: The Cheez-It® Redemption
I love Cheez-Its®. Too much. When I drove truck for a living, I'd always make sure I had some on hand. But now, they may help us discover a path back to freedom. Read more...

05/11/20: The Reasonable Man
By applying the "reasonable man theory" to the predominant themes of Pennsylvania's COVID disaster emergency (a/k/a TOMFOOLERY 2020), it is impossible to avoid coming to the conclusion the the Wolf Administration has been negligent. At best. It may actually be worse. Read more...

04/29/20: Wolf and Levine Unmasked
I've been wanting to write about masks for a while now, but just didn't have any time to sit down and do it until now. On April 3, when Tom Wolf first recommended that everyone wear masks, I wasn't all too bothered by it. Despite being one of the Governor's biggest critics throughout TOMFOOLERY 2020, I thought it was one the more common sense things he did. Read more...

04/26/20: COVID-19? Don't Listen To Me
Folks, don't listen to me. I'm just a business owner and former truck driver who happened to get elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 2014. Seriously - just about anyone who works hard enough and has a few organizational and public-speaking skills could manage that. I want you instead to listen to someone in the medical community. Read more...

04/24/20: Tom Wolf's Mysterious New Target
Governor Tom Wolf has now created a new - and difficult to calculate - exit strategy target in the continuing saga of the COVID-19 lockdown. This is just the latest sign of mismanagement since he first declared his disaster emergency on March 6, 2020. We were told then that the big concern was "flattening the curve" so hospitals were not overwhelmed. Read more...

Here are a few things I know about Governor Wolf's mysterious waivers for "non-life sustaining" businesses to continue operations. The more I think about the many businesses owners desperate to work, and more than willing to adhere to social distancing and elevated hygiene and cleaning protocols but still idled under this system, the more ticked off I get. Read more...

01/06/20: Regional Appellate Court Elections: Good for Pennsylvania
In December, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed House Bill 196, a constitutional amendment to change the way we elect appellate court jurists in the state. Under this plan, instead of electing these jurists in statewide elections, they would be elected from regional districts. There would be seven Supreme Court districts, fifteen Superior Court districts, and nine Commonwealth Court districts. Members of these courts would be required to reside in the district they are elected from. Read more...

01/15/19: Protect Free Speech From Getting SLAPPed
There is nothing that unites Americans of all political stripes quite so much as the right to free speech. It was critical in gaining our independence from tyranny. The founders enshrined it in the very First Amendment to the United States Constitution. It remains a modern-day sling by which contemporary Davids can hope to defeat Goliaths. From free speech, great ideas and movements are often born. Read more...

03/24/18: Impeachment: Read Between the Lines
Last week a number of prominent Pennsylvania officials very publicly criticized the effort by some members of the House of Representatives to move forward with resolutions aimed at the impeachment of four Justices of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in the aftermath of a legal battle over congressional maps. Read more...

03/05/18: Withdrawing Support for Independent Redistricting Bill
I was an early supporter of the premise of House Bill 722, during both this legislative session and the previous session, my first as a member of the General Assembly. Withdrawing my support of this bill does not come lightly. Read more...

01/31/18: Does Size Matter?

This coming week, HB153 – a constitutional amendment to reduce the size of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 203 to 151 members – will come to the floor of the House for debate and a vote to submit the question to the voters for ratification. Read more...

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